Socio-emotional education and character building

We understand socioemotional education as an educational process that aims to promote the development of emotional and social skills.

The Prepas UPAEP educational model focuses on the following skills:

Improving Emotional Intelligence
Teaching Social Skills
Promoting Resilience
Fostering Healthy Relationships
Developing Self-Regulation
Focusing on holistic wellbeing

From socio-emotional education to character formation.

The aim is to help develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand ethical and moral issues.

Family Dialogues

learning, but shares the responsibility with his or her family and the school. At Prepas UPAEP, we provide spaces designed for parents, where they can share, reflect and learn about the academic-formative process of their children, our students.

Academic-Formative Accompaniment

We provide tutoring and emotional, psycho-pedagogical and vocational accompaniment to support our students in making decisions, building a life project and vocational choice. This programme includes a tripartite work between the school, the student and the parents, placing the student at the centre.
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