International baccalaureate

Google Reference School

International experiences

Socio-emotional education and character building

We seek your integral formation, promoting your development in different dimensions: academic, personal, social and spiritual.

Tecpanxochitl 52 A, 90845 San Pedro Tlalcuapan de Nicolás Bravo, Tlax.
Luz María Auxiliadora Aguilar Vázquez
246 46 49633
09:00 a 06:00 pm

Mtro. Gerardo Arroyo Barillas
Today is the time to start building dreams, through your talents, because you have been created for something very important YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. At Prepa UPAEP Chiautempan we want to be part of these dreams, which will lead you to success. We are committed to giving you a personalized humanistic training, promoting your leadership and decision-making with the support of the teachers, who become guides who accompany you in this great adventure that is PREPA.
This is the moment you give the first step to your professional and personal development and growth. UPAEP seeks "Create currents of thought and train leaders that transform society" We want you to be that leader that changes our Mexico, and why not cross borders that you strive to be a better person and best professional in the area in which you want to develop and to achieve this, Prepa UPAEP opens the door for you
I share with you this thought of Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “It is not height, weight, or beauty or much less money that makes a person great. It is his honesty, his humility, his decency, his kindness and respect for the feelings and interests for others ”
I invite you to be GREAT, to build your DREAMS with us so that you can SUCCEED
Welcome to Prepa UPAEP Chiautempan
You have Wings of Triumph